Tartan Tuba Band

Thanks for your interest in the Tartan Tuba Band (TTB)! The “official” name of the group is Andrew Carnegie’s Good Time Tartan Tuba Band (ACG3TB) but TTB is easier to remember. Below, you’ll find pics of past performances and a few videos we’ve made, including some featuring The Rhinos, the unofficial predecessor to the TTB. You can read about the group HERE and HERE. If you’ve got questions (and why wouldn’t you), feel free to reach out to our fearless leader, Lance LaDuke at lalaladuke@gmail.com.

Dear Bountiful Gathering

At the end of each semester, we collaborate with various classes and ensembles. In this performance, we worked with two classes from Carnegie Mellon’s IDeATe (Integrated Design Arts and Technology) program. One class built large-scale inflatables and the other made stop-motion animation projects.

All I Want for Christmas is Euph

Our loving parody of the tune you hear far too many times during the holidays.

Auld Lang Syne

The official greeting “card” for Carnegie Mellon University in 2018.

Tuba-Ween Spectacular

Sticking with the holiday-themed videos, this time from The Rhinos.

Rhinos Christmas Carol

The magnum opus holiday offering by The Rhinos.